Chamber Ribbon Cuttings

The Lewis County Chamber of Commerce is always eager to celebrate milestones of businesses in our community. A ribbon cutting event is an opportunity to showcase what your business has to offer!

A Special Celebration of Your Business

We offer this service to our member businesses who are:

  • opening a new business
  • celebrating a milestone anniversary
  • moving to a new location
  • remodeling a facility
  • under new ownership or management
  • launching a new product or service

The Chamber will work with you to help make your ribbon cutting a success for your business. From our experience, you can expect anywhere from 10 to 50 people in attendance. This depends on several factors, the most essential being the promotional efforts to invite your contacts to your special event.

What You Need to Plan to Do:

  • Work with Chamber staff to select a date and time at least 2 weeks in advance
  • Invite customers and prospects, friends and family, and neighboring businesses
  • Offer a free gift, drawing, or giveaway
  • Put out balloons and signs
  • Offer light food and beverages to your guests. If it is a morning event, coffee, and pastry, or for an afternoon event plan on soft drinks, cheese and crackers, and/or one or two light appetizers.

What We Will Do:

  • List your event on the Chamber website calendar
  • Announce your event in our email newsletters
  • Announce the event through Chamber social media
  • Invite elected officials, media contacts, and the Chamber Board of Directors
  • Provide ribbon and large ceremonial scissors and conduct the event
  • Post pictures on social media after the event

To schedule a ribbon cutting, please complete the request form. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Ribbon Cutting Request

Highlights from Chamber Ribbon Cuttings

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